Course curriculum

  • 2


    • Overview of the Brent Complex

    • Test your understanding

  • 3


    • BFOE

    • Test your understanding

  • 4

    Dated Brent

    • Dated Brent

    • Test your understanding

  • 5

    Brent Futures

    • Brent Futures

    • Test your understanding

  • 6

    Value within the Complex

    • Value within the Complex

    • Test your understanding

  • 7

    Brent EFP

    • Brent EFP

    • Test you understanding

  • 8

    Brent CFDs

    • Brent Contract for Differences (CFD)

    • Test your understanding

  • 9

    Brent CFDs in more depth

    • CFDs in more depth

    • Test your understanding

  • 10

    Dated to Front Line (DFL)

    • Dated to Front Line (DFL)

    • Test your understanding

  • 11

    Next steps

    • End of course

    • Before you go


David North

David worked at BP for 19 years. During his period, he was book leader for the European gasoline trading group, the North Sea Crude equity team and the UK and European Natgas trading books. After BP, David moved to Klesch and Co, a private equity firm which specializes in distressed asset acquisition, and was instrumental in establishing a metals and energy trading platform which allowed Klesch to expand it’s portfolio of energy-intensive businesses. Most recently, David worked at RWE as Head of Physical Oil Trading, moving RWE’s capability in this area from that of a paper-only player to a company able to compete in global physical markets. David specializes in identifying optionality within portfolios or trading propositions and establishing the ability to harvest and monetise it.